Sunday, October 23, 2005

23 weeks, 6 days

until IMAZ 2006. It snuck up on me, just like I knew it would. We just went to Kona and watched the Ironman World Championships which was incredibly inspiring. These athletes, both pros and amateurs, were amazing. It made me want to train harder, eat better, and continue to improve in the sport of triathlon. As I sit here today and think about all of this now, for the first time in my life, I was able to openly admit to my husband yesterday that I have a calling to pursue this triathlon thing further, to see just how far I can get. I guess I'm talking a bit cryptically right now...I feel that the minute I actually put it in writing, then it actually becomes a true goal that I'll need to strive here it goes: I am feeling as though I was put here on earth to become a professional triathlete, to spread the word that 'Anything is Possible' (the Ironman motto). I had barely even run 3 miles just four years ago, so wouldn't it be incredible to actually qualify for the Kona IM World Championships? And make a name for myself??? So, there, I've said it.

I just happened upon an email about PowerBar looking to add new athletes to their sponsorship, so I'll start there, and who knows where it all will end up.

My plan was to train for IMAZ for 22 weeks, so I have just under 2 weeks to get my training plan together. I bought new tires for my bike yesterday, as a result of the three flats that I suffered about three weeks ago. I'm planning to buy some cookbooks to inspire my diet and give me a better nutrition strategy...if I'm going to get anywhere near to being competitive, I likely have to take off about 30+ pounds off of this steps, baby steps.

Here's to those who dream!